
132 item(s)


5-HTP 5HTP 5 Hydroxytryptophan insomnia anxiety nervousness sugar cravings appetite suppression headaches depression moodiness aggressiveness

21 item(s)
NPN: 80041758 Item Code: 5206 Quantity: 90 capsules Description: Acetyl-l-Carnitine Indications: Use for Metals Detox. Acety-L-Carnitine (ALC) has been shown to have neuroprotective activity. Consider energy levels, for muscle fatigue, senile dementia, reduced...

  NPN: 80044037 Item Code: 5237 Quantity: 180 capsules Description: Broad Spectrum Amino Acid Formula Indications: Broad-spectrum, 21 amino acids formulation from whey protein hydrolysate to provide general amino acid support and to consider the support of...

4 item(s)
  NPN: 80057563 Item Code: 7857 Quantity: 120 capsules Description: Neurologic function Indications:  Consider pain and inflammation Ingredients: Proprietary Blend 900 mg White Willow (Salix alba) (bark) Devil’s Claw extract...

243 item(s)
  NPN: 80067942 Item Code: 7705 Quantity: 180 capsules Description: H-Pylori Indications: Broad-spectrum, herbal blend (Licorice, Mastic Gum, Slippery Elm, Myrrh, Clove, Berberine, Anise, Berberis, Mahonia aquafolium, Baptisma tincture) consider ulcers caused...

21 item(s)
  NPN: 80044120 Item Code: 7862 Quantity: 120 capsules Description: Menopausal Support Indications:  Consider the balance symptoms associated with endocrine disturbances Ingredients: See Product Label below. Suggestion: Two (2)...

  NPN: NPN 80039877 Item Code: 7860 Quantity: 120 capsules Description: Menopausal Support Indications: Consider nervous tension, anxiety, irritability and sleep difficulty associated with endocrine disturbances Ingredients: See Product Label below....

30 item(s)
  NPN: 80044517 Item Code: 2800 Quantity: 90 capsules Description: Antioxidant Indications:  Broad-spectrum vitamin (A, C, E), mineral (zinc, selenium, potassium), enzyme (CoQ10, SOD, catalase), amino acid (glutathione, methionine, taurine, NAC),...

186 item(s)
  NPN: NPN 80032454 Item Code: 1427 Quantity:  60 capsules Description: Inflammation, muscle spasms, migraines Indications: GLA is the precursor for arachadonic acid, dihomogamma linolenic acid (DGLA) and of certain prostaglandins (PGE1) which in...

108 item(s)
  NPN: 80042870 Item Code: 1740 Quantity: 120 capsules Description: Estrogen Detoxifier Indications: Basic concepts and physiologic function, D-glucaric acid is naturally found within the human body and is also present in some foods, particularly...

103 item(s)
  NPN: 80021792 Item Code: 1732 Quantity: 90 capsules Description: Calcium Magnesium Support Indications:  consider muscle cramps, fever, autonomic imbalance, low blood calcium, skin issues (e.g., itching, lesions), heavy bleeding (e.g.,...

196 item(s)
  NPN: 80046754 Item Code: 1750 Quantity: 100 capsules Description: Antifungal for gut dysbiosis. Video: The Go-To-Product for Dysbiosis Indications: consider candidiasis, and fungal/yeast overgrowth; use with FC-Cidal™ and A.D.P.™ in difficult...

11 item(s)
NPN: 80047007 Item Code: 8001 Quantity: 90 capsules Description: Nitrogen Excretion Video: Try this for Edema of Glaucoma Indications: Consider the excretion of Nitrogen to transport waste, relax smooth muscle in vessel walls, consider in the...

25 item(s)
  NPN: 80038248 Item Code: 1109 Quantity: 180 capsules Description: Fresh water Green Algae Indications: Chlorella is a unique single-celled fresh water green algae. Chlorella\'s single-cell structure is the key to its uniquely varied and concentrated...


You can find this in our Sale section 30% off until our next restock

105 item(s)
  NPN: 80041202 Item Code: 6001 Quantity: 120 capsules Description: Colon Cleanse Indications:  Consider normalize bowel flora and colon function by providing bulk to promote natural elimination; may be useful for gastrointestinal distress as in...

87 item(s)
  NPN: 80035231 Item Code: 7707 Quantity: 30 capsules Description: Stress, Adrenal and Healthy Sleep Support Indications: De-Stress is a patented, specially produced milk protein hydrolysate, which constitutes a specific peptide concentrate, having...

386 item(s)
SRP: $52.00 NPN: 80061763 Item Code: 7856 Quantity: 120 capsules Description: Consider Dysbiosis and Biome Balancing, same great product ~ New name! Video: The "Go-To-Product for Dysbiosis Video: SIBO Herbal therapies that work Indications: Conaider...

18 item(s)
SRP: $48.00 NPN: 80023303 Item Code: 1008 Quantity: 90 capsules Description: Antioxidant Indications: Consider muscular weakness, muscle cramps on exertion, ligament weakness, cardiac stress, thyroid hyper-function, chronic bacterial or viral infection,...

64 item(s)
SRP: $36.00 NPN: 80021760 Item Code: 1428 Quantity: 100 capsules Description: PMS Indications:  Consider the following: PMS symptoms, inflammation, hypertension, hot flashes, depression, cramps, eczema, lipidemia, ADD/ADHD, and rheumatoid arthritis....

1054 item(s)
SRP: $54.00 NPN: 80046369 Item Code: 6310 Quantity: 120 capsules Description: Anti-Microbial for Gut Dysbiosis. Video: SIBO Herbal therapies that work Indications: Consider resistant fungal or yeast infections or molds, intestinal parasites. Ingredients: Each...

67 item(s)

This item can be found under our On Sale section until the new shipmnent arrives

233 item(s)


Type I & II Diabetes, elevated triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, decreased HDL cholesterol, dysinsulinism, and Syndrome X glucose 


This item can be found under our On Sale section until the new shipmnent arrives

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