Dysbiocide ~ Now called BiomeBalance!

493 item(s)


SRP: $52.00 NPN: 80061763 Item Code: 7856 Quantity: 120 capsules Description: Consider Dysbiosis and Biome Balancing, same great product ~ New name! Video: The "Go-To-Product for Dysbiosis Video: SIBO Herbal therapies that work Indications: Conaider...

SRP: $52.00

NPN: 80061763

Item Code: 7856

Quantity: 120 capsules

Description: Consider Dysbiosis and Biome Balancing, same great product ~ New name!

Video: The "Go-To-Product for Dysbiosis

Video: SIBO Herbal therapies that work

Indications: Conaider Anti-microbial, SIBO, acute, chronic Fungal, bacterial infections and to possibly BREAK DOWN BIOFILMS.

Ingredients: Proprietary Blend: 950 mg

Stemona sessilifolia (root)

Artemisia absinthium (extract)(shoots, leaves)

Brucea javanica (fruit)

Pulsatill chinensis (rhizome)

Picrasma excelsa (extract)(bark)

Acacia catechu (extract)(stem)

Hedyotis diffusa

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)(extract)(leaf, flower)

Dill (anethum graveolens)(seeds)

Suggestion: Two (2) capsules taken two (2) times each day as a dietary supplement or as otherwise directed by a health care professional.

Safety: Not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. May cause mild constipation in sensitive individuals. If constipation persists, discontinue use and contact your health care professional.

References: www.immed.org/illness/autoimmune_illness_research....

Product Label: BiomBalance 7856 Newbarcode (BiomeBalance_7856_Newbarcode.png, 576 Kb) [Download]

DYSBIOSIS SIBO 2014 botan (gahmj.2014.019.pdf, 1,044 Kb) [Download]

GI Health Brochure (GI_Brochure-CAN-Print_REVISED_3.pdf, 3,942 Kb) [Download]

Dysbiocide/BiomeBalance Herbal Ingredients (Dysbiocide_BiomeBalance_Herbal_Ingredients.pdf, 400 Kb) [Download]

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