CoQ-Zyme 30 60T Micro-Emulsified

31 item(s)


NPN: 80007114 Item Code: 2616 Quantity: 60 tablets Description: ATP Production (Allergies) Coenzyme Q10 Status as a Determinant of Muscular Strength in Two Independent Cohorts Indications: Indications: May be necessary for one of the terminal steps in the...

NPN: 80007114

Item Code: 2616

Quantity: 60 tablets

Description: ATP Production (Allergies)
Coenzyme Q10 Status as a Determinant of Muscular Strength in Two Independent Cohorts

Indications:Indications: May be necessary for one of the terminal steps in the electron transport chain in the process of energy (ATP) production). Thus, a component of mitochondria for the production of energy, CoQ-10 has potential to improve physiologic function in a number of conditions associated with impaired mitochondrial function. Consider for increased oxygenation need in cardiac stress or insufficiency, immune dysfunction, FM, CFS, headaches, high blood pressure, allergies, asthma, diabetes, ulcers, viral infections, periodontal disease, and multiple sclerosis (MS). Consider as an antioxidant, Cell membrane stabilization, Inhibition of inflammation by modulation of NF-kappaB, May reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients as effectively as 1-2 drug combination treatment, Benefits pts with CHF or CRF, anti-allergy benefits. CoQ-10 deficiency is common in migraines and supplementation greatly reduces migraine attacks and Headaches 2007;47:73-80.

Ingredients: Coenzyme Q10 (in emulsified form) 30 mg
Superoxide Dismutase (from vegetable culture) 30 mcg
Catalase (from vegetable culture) 30 mcg

Note: Clinical study demonstrated that this product increased CoQ10 plasma levels by 210% (equivalent to 90-100 mg of the non-emulsified dry form of CoQ10

Suggestion: 1 tablet three times daily with meals or as directed.

References: Independent research and additional information
Muller T, Buttner T, Gholipour AF, Kuhn W. Coenzyme Q10 supplementation provides mild symptomatic benefit in patients with Parkinson\'s disease. Neurosci Lett. 2003 May 8;341( 3):201-4
Folkers K, Langsjoen P, Langsjoen PH. Therapy with coenzyme Q10 of patients in heart failure who are eligible or ineligible for a transplant. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1992 Jan 15;182( 1):247-53
Sacher HL, Sacher ML, Landau SW, Kersten R, Dooley F, Sacher A, Sacher M, Dietrick K, Ichkhan K. The clinical and hemodynamic effects of coenzyme Q10 in congestive cardiomyopathy. Am J Ther. 1997 Feb-Mar;4( 2-3):66-72
Sacher HL, Sacher ML, Landau SW, Kersten R, Dooley F, Sacher A, Sacher M, Dietrick K, Ichkhan K. The clinical and hemodynamic effects of coenzyme Q10 in congestive cardiomyopathy. Am J Ther. 1997 Feb-Mar;4( 2-3):66-72

Product label: CoQ-Zyme 30 60T 2616 Newbarcode (CoQ-Zyme_30_60T_2616_Newbarcode.png, 355 Kb) [Download]

LIT-107 CoQ-30-CoQ100-2020-CAN (LIT-107_CoQ-30-CoQ100-2020-CAN.pdf, 840 Kb) [Download]

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