[Soon to expire] Lintil-Zyme **NEW

Price in points: 57 points
16 item(s)


Old price: $67.00

Current expiration June 2025


NPN: 80064637

Item Code: 1724

Quantity: 100 Tablets

Description: Lintil-Zyme Adrenal Brain Support.
The Cinderella Nutrient Video

Lithium treatment increases grey matter * in individuals with bipolar disorder

Higher long-term lithium exposure from drinking water may be associated with a lower incidence of dementia.

Should we all take a little lithium?

Indications: For brain and mental support. Consider using with issues related to Bi-Polar disorders, ADD, ADHD, Autism and spectrum disorders, Moodiness, depression and Thyroid Support. Also indicated for Tinnitus.

Ingredients: Lentils providing naturally occurring vegetable culture containing Li.

Suggestion: One (1) tablet, one (1) to three (3) times daily with food or as otherwise directed by a health care practitioner.


Product Label: Lintil-Zyme 1724 Newbarcode (Lintil-Zyme_1724_Newbarcode.png, 290 Kb) [Download]

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