
21 item(s)
NPN: 80041758 Item Code: 5206 Quantity: 90 capsules Description: Acetyl-l-Carnitine Indications: Use for Metals Detox. Acety-L-Carnitine (ALC) has been shown to have neuroprotective activity. Consider energy levels, for muscle fatigue, senile dementia, reduced...

26 item(s)
  NPN: 80033103 Item Code: 3021 Quantity: 120 tablets Description: Adrenal Support, stress (Healthy Sleep)   Indications:  AMPK is a master control mechanism for cellular energy homeostasis. It determines body fat composition and...

418 item(s)
  NPN: 80033103 Item Code: 3038 Quantity: 240 tablets Description: Adrenal Support, stress (Healthy Sleep) Indications: AMPK is a master control mechanism for cellular energy homeostasis. It determines body fat composition and has a significant impact on...

113 item(s)
  NPN: 80021782 Item Code: 1728 Quantity: 0.5 fl. oz. (14.79 ml) Description: Liquid Selenium Indications:  Consider for free radical issues, thyroid hypofunction (decreased T-3 uptake), fibroids and cysts, cardiac stress, pancreatic dysfunction,...

128 item(s)

Renal/kidney function carpal tunnel syndrome joint pain trigger finger extremity burning tingling light and MSG sensitivity low liver transaminases poor dream recall synergist to magnesium and zinc

39 item(s)


Phosphorylated B Vitamins hypotension psychological stress hypoglycemia adrenal cortical 


Estimated arrival Jan 13th

Consider free radical issues, renal and bladder dysfunction, viral and bacterial infections, colds and flu, environmental allergies, acne, night blindness, skin disorders, vaginal douche for candidiasis and vaginitis, thyroid hyper-function, and tinnitus.

74 item(s)


Ashwagandha takes lead in IIT-Delhi study to be Covid-19 warrior

Traditionally viewed as a rejuvenative tonic, research in animal models suggests that Ashwagandha has soothing effects, and been demonstrated to suppress stress‑induced increases in dopamine receptors in the brain.(3) It also appears to reduce stress-induced increases of plasma corticosterone, blood urea nitrogen, and blood lactic acid.

63 item(s)


Muscle menstrual cramping adrenal fatigue bursitis edema tendonitis radiation exposure food environmental sensitivity low salt diets systemic acidosis inflammation

2 item(s)
Vitamin D deficiency on eradication rates of Helicobacter pylori infection With more and more research highlighting the importance of maintaining healthy vitamin D levels, patients require a form that is bioavailable, easy-to-take and in a clinically useful dosage. Bio-DK-Mulsion™...

6 item(s)

Muscle ligament weakness chronic bacterial viral infections cardiac stress angina topically skin lesions prevent scarring from burns abrasions or acne

89 item(s)
  Categories:  Adrenal-Support, Allergies, AntiInflammatory, Brain-Support, Cardiovascular-Support, Essential-Fatty-Acids, Featured, Glucose-Balancing, Immune-Support, Kidney-Support, New-Products, Thyroid-Support Item Code:  1417 Quantity:  90 Capsules...

10 item(s)
NPN: 80094451 Item Code: 1401 Quantity: 6.76 fl. oz. (200 ml) Description: Essential Fatty Acids and Mitochondial Adrenal support Indications:  Marine Lipid Concentrate, soya free, Omega-3 essential fatty acids EPA (740 mg) and DHA (460 mg) from a natural...

180 item(s)
NPN: 80121477 Indications: Consider chronic fatigue, hypoadrenia (salt craving, bright light sensitivity, lowered resistance to colds), hypoglycemia, hypotension (with Bio-B 100), asthma, inflammation, allergies and sensitivity to foods or environmental toxins, ligamental...

97 item(s)
  NPN: 80121477 Item Code: 3001 Quantity: 60 tablets Description: Glandular NeoNatal Adrenal Fatigue (Healthy Sleep) Indications: Consider chronic fatigue, hypoadrenia (salt craving, bright light sensitivity, lowered resistance to colds),...

118 item(s)
  NPN: 80046723 Item Code: 3017 Quantity: 180 tablets Description: Glandular NeoNatal Parotid, Thymus, Spleen Indications: Consider saliva deficit, chemical sensitivity and toxicity, reduced sperm count, undescended testicles, pesticide exposure, iodine...

21 item(s)
NPN: 80040245 Item Code: 3011 Quantity: 60 tablets Description: Glandular NeoNatal Thymus (Allergies) Indications: Consider bacterial and viral infections, immune insufficiency, thyroid hyperfunction, healing, low gamma globulin, croup, inflammation, lymph edema,...

87 item(s)
  NPN: 80035231 Item Code: 7707 Quantity: 30 capsules Description: Stress, Adrenal and Healthy Sleep Support Indications: De-Stress is a patented, specially produced milk protein hydrolysate, which constitutes a specific peptide concentrate, having...

18 item(s)
SRP: $48.00 NPN: 80023303 Item Code: 1008 Quantity: 90 capsules Description: Antioxidant Indications: Consider muscular weakness, muscle cramps on exertion, ligament weakness, cardiac stress, thyroid hyper-function, chronic bacterial or viral infection,...

58 item(s)


Electrolyte Forte is a pure and refreshing electrolyte formula that contains key minerals and nutrients designed to support healthy energy metabolism, muscle function and inflammatory response.* It contains beneficial doses of targeted minerals like magnesium, potassium and calcium, along with less sodium than is typically found in electrolyte formulas. Sweetened with monk fruit, and boosted with vitamin C, taurine, beetroot and pomegranate juices, Electrolyte Forte is an ideal electrolyte formula to foster clinically significant cellular replenishment.*

234 item(s)


Type I & II Diabetes, elevated triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, decreased HDL cholesterol, dysinsulinism, and Syndrome X glucose 

  NPN: 80064637 Item Code: 1724 Quantity: 100 Tablets Description: Lintil-Zyme Adrenal Brain Support. The Cinderella Nutrient Video Lithium treatment increases grey matter * in individuals with bipolar disorder Higher...

32 item(s)
SRP: $25.00 NPN: 80021758 Item Code: 1730 Quantity: 2 fl. oz. (59.15 ml) Description: Thyroid dysfunction Indications: May help to support thyroid and ovary function, T-4 and T-3 production from tyrosine, and for skin cracks, mucus, sinus infections (with Bio-Immunozyme...

252 item(s)
SRP: $28.00 NPN: 80017789 Item Code: 1736 Quantity: 2 fl. oz. (59.15 ml) Description: Thyroid dysfunction Indications: May help to support thyroid and ovary function, T-4 and T-3 production from tyrosine, and for skin cracks, mucus, sinus infections (with Bio-Immunozyme...
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