
Out of stock


Estimated arrival Feb 17th

SRP: $82.00

NPN: 80043566

Item Code: 7855

Quantity: 180 capsules

Description: 'Vioxx' Alternative.
Video: Shoulder Pain

NFkB non-canonical NF-κB pathway in immunity and inflammation

Functional Gemonic Studies of Curcumin

Indications: Consider for non specific musculoskeletal pain, joint swelling or limited movement within the body. Consider reduction of all inflammatory processes.
KappArest ingredients may also be helpful in the treatment of Scleroderma.

Ingredients: See Product Label below.

Suggestion: 1-3 capsules taken one (1) to two (2) times daily as a dietary supplement or as otherwise directed by a health care professional.

Product Label: KappArest 7855 Newbarcode (KappArest_7855_Newbarcode.png, 502 Kb) [Download]

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